“Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” -- J.R.R. Tolkien
Packed my suitcases -- check
Get my ticket -- check
Get to Tacoma -- check
Cry as I say good-bye -- check
Actually realize that this is happening -- umm... working on that.
I'm in Tacoma, sitting with Libby, my aunt and uncle's beautiful red golden retriever. She's lovely, and we became fast friends.
Yesterday was a long day. I had a goodbye brunch, and left the house at about 12:30. After some last minute plan changes, it was decided that Nana and Papa would drive me down to the ferry, and Doug would pick me up on the other side and drive me to meet Ryan and Heather, and then we would all drive to Tacoma together. Which, is pretty much exactly what happened.
I don't understand how sitting all day can be so exhausting, but, yesterday was also a terribly emotional day, so I'll blame my tiredness on that. The emotions seem to be evening out again, thank goodness.
Yesterday morning (the morning of my departure) I awoke with a song playing in my mind. That isn't unusual with me, so I didn't take much notice of it. But when it wouldn't go away, I decided it was time for "drastic" measures: I'd actually have to sit down and listen to it, otherwise it would be there all day.
The odd part was, the song was called "The Call" by Regina Spector. I only knew the first few lines, and thats what was playing over and over in my head, (hence it was only slightly irritating). However, when I heard the entire song, it seemed very appropriate, which is why I thought I would share a link to it on youtube: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=oNsQewlFtEs
Well, that's it for my rather unexciting beginning of my trip. I'll try to upgrade my writing for the next blog entry, also.
I miss you already
You're awesome mate,
I pray that God will teach you heaps on this journey He is taking you on... and i am looking forward to hearing about your journey.
love you heaps mate,
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