Sunday, March 23, 2008

Things are rather complicated.

I'm not entirely sure when everything began to be so complicated. Perhaps it has always been this way, and I have just been unaware, or perhaps as people grow up, their lives become more and more complex.
I'm just tired of dull aches in my stomach, and tired of wanting to slap myself as I watch myself do the most ridiculous things. I just... do badly want to get out of here. I don't know where I want to go. I just want to be somewhere else. I suppose you could say I am running. I am aware that I am running, I am just unsure what it is that I am running from. Like I said, rather complicated. I want to live, and just live fully. I don't seem to even sip at life, let alone guzzle it down. Ah well... I am sure this too will pass.

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